Saturday, June 13, 2009

Photo 4

That is me standing infront of a giant silhoutte of Augusto Sandino, an image which has been erected on that hill where Somoza´s palace once stood. The image was designed by Ernesto Cardenal, who is a famous Nicaraguan priest, poet, activist and writer. Look him up if you want to read about an interesting character.


  1. I don't know about this Cardenal. He'd have to be pretty interesting to top the interesting life of the dude standing in front of him.

  2. to clarify Sethicus, the giant image behind me is of Sandino, the design was by Cardenal. Cardenal himself is not pictured here. And while I appreciate your flattery, you should look him up, especially as the self-declared man of literature you pretend to be! lol jk
